-- background: 6780 from stack: in -- bmap block id: 7496 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 0 -- name: Intro ----- HyperTalk script ----- --•This animates the icons to show connectivity between CPU's, JONATHAN. on INTRO set lockscreen to true global sol,env,environments,envnum,solutions, solnum,Animate show cd field "Continue" show cd fld "Showsol" show cd fld "Showenv" set cursor to busy if the mouseClick is True then EndIntro show --•To get ENVironments & SOLutions list ready if the mouseClick is True then EndIntro set cursor to none unlock screen MF3 animate3 repeat forever --prevents halting in mid execution of a script-TT EnvTally --•Shows Environment names if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat Animate2 --•CPU hilight if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat SolTally2 --•Shows Solution names if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat do Animate if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat EnvTally2 if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat Animate2 if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat EnvTally if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat animate4 if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat SolTally if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat animate2 if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat Animate3 if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat EnvTally if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat do animate if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat SolTally if the mouseClick is True then exit repeat animate2 end repeat EndIntro end INTRO on EndIntro global Animate set lockscreen to true put empty into Animate changeCurs 69 go to cd "Briefing room" unlock screen with dissolve slowly end EndIntro --• For showing and moving SOLUTION fields on SolTally global environments,Solutions,SolNum,Animate,SolX,SolLoc set lockscreen to true put 1 into SolX get random (5) --if it is 1 then put "325,211" into SolLoc --if it is 2 then put "325,73" into SolLoc --if it is 3 then put "310,210" into SolLoc --if it is 4 then put "187,66" into SolLoc --if it is 5 then put "160,96" into SolLoc if it is 5 then put "5" into SolX --set the location of card field "ShowSol" to SolLoc get random(solnum) put line it of solutions into sol if SolX is "5" then put "Business" into Sol put sol into cd fld "Showsol" show cd fld "Showsol" unlock screen with dissolve very fast end SolTally on SolTally2 global environments,Solutions,SolNum,Animate,SolX,SolLoc set lockscreen to true get random (4) get random(solnum) put line it of solutions into sol put sol into cd fld "Showsol" show cd fld "Showsol" unlock screen with dissolve very fast end SolTally2 --• For showing and moving ENVIRONMENT fields on EnvTally global environments,Solutions,SolNum,Animate,EnvX,EnvLoc set lockscreen to true put 1 into EnvX get random (5) if it is 5 then put "5" into EnvX put line it of environments into env if EnvX is "5" then put "Macintosh" into env put env into cd fld "Showenv" show cd fld "Showenv" unlock screen with dissolve fast end EnvTally on EnvTally2 global environments,Solutions,SolNum,Animate,EnvX,EnvLoc set lockscreen to true get random (4) put line it of environments into env put env into cd fld "Showenv" show cd fld "Showenv" unlock screen with dissolve very fast end EnvTally2 --•Repeats the CPU hilite twice on Animate2 global environments,Solutions,SolNum,Animate repeat 2 --• For the CPUs to hilite,JON get random (9) if it is 1 then put "CX" into Animate if it is 2 then put "X" into Animate if it is 3 then put "SE" into Animate if it is 4 then put "PC" into Animate if it is 6 then put "PC2" into Animate if it is 7 then put "MF" into Animate if it is 8 then put "MF2" into Animate if it is 9 then put "MF3" into Animate do animate end repeat end Animate2 on Animate3 global Animate repeat 3 get random (9) if it is 1 then put "CX" into Animate if it is 2 then put "X" into Animate if it is 3 then put "SE" into Animate if it is 4 then put "PC" into Animate --if it is 5 then put "SE2" into Animate if it is 6 then put "PC2" into Animate if it is 7 then put "MF" into Animate if it is 8 then put "MF2" into Animate if it is 9 then put "MF3" into Animate do animate end repeat end Animate3 on Animate4 global Animate repeat 4 get random (9) if it is 1 then put "CX" into Animate if it is 2 then put "X" into Animate if it is 3 then put "SE" into Animate if it is 4 then put "PC" into Animate --if it is 5 then put "SE2" into Animate if it is 6 then put "PC2" into Animate if it is 7 then put "MF" into Animate if it is 8 then put "MF2" into Animate if it is 9 then put "MF3" into Animate do animate end repeat end Animate4 --•Following scripts hilite individual CPU icons, JONATHAN. ON X global Animate if Animate is empty then exit X set the icon of cd button "X" to "X1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "X" to "X2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "X" to "X3" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "X" to "X2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "X" to "X1" END X ON MF3 global Animate if Animate is empty then exit MF3 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF3" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF4" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF1" END MF3 ON MF2 global Animate if Animate is empty then exit MF2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF5" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF4" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF3" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF1" END MF2 ON MF global Animate if Animate is empty then exit MF set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF5" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF4" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF3" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "MF" to "MF1" END MF ON SE global Animate if Animate is empty then exit SE global sol,env,environments,envnum,solutions, solnum set the icon of cd button "SE" to "SE1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "SE" to "SE2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "SE" to "SE3" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "SE" to "SE2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "SE" to "SE1" END SE ON PC global Animate if Animate is empty then exit PC set the icon of cd button "PC" to "PC1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "PC" to "PC2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "PC" to "PC3" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "PC" to "PC2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "PC" to "PC1" END PC ON SE2 global Animate if Animate is empty then exit SE2 set the icon of cd button "SE2" to "SE1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "SE2" to "SE2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "SE2" to "SE3" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "SE2" to "SE2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "SE2" to "SE1" END SE2 ON PC2 global Animate if Animate is empty then exit PC2 set the icon of cd button "PC2" to "PC1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "PC2" to "PC2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "PC2" to "PC3" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "PC2" to "PC2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "PC2" to "PC1" END PC2 ON CX global Animate if Animate is empty then exit CX set the icon of cd button "CX" to "CX1" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "CX" to "CX2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "CX" to "CX3" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "CX" to "CX2" wait 2 set the icon of cd button "CX" to "CX1" END CX on show global sol,env,environments,envnum,solutions,solnum put field "Vertical" of cd "Mac Grid" into solutions put the number of lines of solutions into solnum put field "Horizontal" of cd "Mac Grid" into environments get the number of lines of environments repeat with i =1 to it if the mouseClick is True then exit show if line i of environments is "Mac" then put "Macintosh" into line i of environments end repeat put it into envnum end show